2015 m. lapkričio 15 d., sekmadienis

It's important

As MC Command Center mod caused "wedding fever" in my game and changed many things I was planed for this story, now I'll need to see what I can do trying to save Blessing Moon tribe as amazons tribe and how to continue this story. I already checked my game and wrote some ideas for storyline. It can take a time while I'll write new chapters and I guess few chapters will look like in a simple book, but I hope so it will not be too long. So Blessing Moon tribe has "short vacation". I'll post new chapters as soon as I'll be ready to share new chapters with you.
Thanks for reading my story and for staying with me and Blessing Moon tribe!


2015 m. spalio 5 d., pirmadienis

For all who reads about Blessing Moon tribe amazons

When I lost Lonan, Tiva and Tansy I confess I was so upset that I even didn't want to play and write this story. Their death happened accidentaly as I use The Full House Mod and clicked on wrong button in CAS, so they all were deleted :( But I'm still playing and still writing, it just goes slower a bit, 'cause I'm also writing other stories you can find in my other Blog:

Now I'll need to play a bit and take more screenshorts for my amazons story, so bear with me, please. I have lots of ideas for storyline, but it needs a time ;)
I'll try to write new chapters as soon as it will be possible (when I'll have a new material and free time), so stay tuned!

Thanks for the reading!


The tribes

And here is the promised chapter about tribes, which Pavati and Blessing Moon tribe will have to face yet. (I started to write this chapter long time ago and I finished it only this morning). Let's visit them all late in the evening and look how they live...

Sigvald tribe (Northlands)

Slave Ogima, Tadewi father, was one of them. It 's a proud and friendly living tribe, but it can become the greatest enemy for anyone who will try to force their will on them. No slaves in Sigvald tribe, there men and women live together, have children, get married. Men go fishing and hunting, women are looking after children and care for the house, net the fish - nets for fishermen. The boys learn to fight from early age. The climate in the northern lands is rigorous, summers are short here, winters are long and cold, but the people are worm here. 

This beautiful couple are tribal leader Half Sigvaldason and his wife Ida Sigvaldason.

And this is their daughter Helga Sigvaldason.

And here is how Sigvald tribal village looks.

Kowi tribe (Westlands)

This small tribe living in the western lands are real children of the nature, where the word of shaman means a lot. Every morning Kowi tribe's life begins with a prayer in the Great Spirit. The boys from an early age learn the endurance and prepare to become tribal warriors. Already being teenagers they go together with their fathers and older brothers to the hunt, in the age of young adult they are ordained to the tribal warriors. Women and girls are going to fish, preparing the meat for winter, sew clothes. Kowi tribal people are free, proud and dignified. They don't like publicity and live quite closed life. Winters in the western lands are warm enough and summers usually are cold and short. 
Here's this man preparing late dinner is Kowi tribe's shaman Powwow.

This beautiful woman is the tribal chief's wife Kolenya.

And here is a chief Nosh. Usually he wears a feather crown.

This running  guy is Nosh and Kolenya son Ouray. One day he'll be tribal chief.

This is Kowi tribal village.

Broenoe tribe (North-West lands)

It is very belligerent tribe of Amazons. Brunoe amazons often attack and rob other tribes, their culture is very primitive. Slaves are often punished by death for anything, they have to wear leather collars. Tribal creator Pimdora is famous for special cruelty and strange inclinations, power-seeking. We'll meet with Brunoe tribe and Pimdora in the future not one time. Here are few pictures:

The slaves are smiling in this picture, but it doesn't mean that they are happy.

This is Brunoe tribe creator Pimdora. Under beautiful and charming smile hides cruelty, arrogance and coldness.

A cage what means nothing good for any slave and captive.

The pit of Death is almost never empty. You are always welcome here.

Here is how looks Brunoe tribal village.

Tayo tribe (Eastern lands)

This is the most mysterious tribe, linking itself with almost unknown Sixam tribe. Tayo tribe is always led by women, but different than in amazons tribes Tayo tribe creators can be married and have a husband or wife. There  no slaves, here children are looked after secured by servants. Servants can have a family, but they must live at master's house to the end of life. The husband of creator always supervise and manage Tayo tribe servants. Tayo tribe is very intelligent and has a great knowledge, so many other tribes comparing with Tayo are very primitive. Tayo protect their knowledge from the surrounding world, because in their view, the world isn't ready for such knowledge yet. As a result, they stand aloof from other tribes and don't communicate with anyone.

The climate in the Eastern lands is chilly, especially cold here in winter.
This is Tayo tribe creator Eyota.

Eyota's husband Willu.

This is Mina, a daughter of Willu and Eyota. She is Tayo tribe creator heiress.

Kele, the youngest child of Eyota and Willu.

Tayo didn't show that Pavati and Aleshanee. Maybe they did right, because most likely amazons would not understand what it is. Tayo told and showed quite a lot... In fact, everything has its own time to come.

However, knowledge in Tayo tribe accessible even for servants. Education here is very important.

The big red house where Tayo tribe lives.

Xoenix tribe 

It is a small tribe of amazons, what lives in Brunoe tribal neighborhood. Very poor tribe, because they are often attacked and robbed by other tribes. Xoenix tribal creator is Otthya. Pimdora, Brunoe tribe creator, is trying to force Otthya form an alliance with her, but  Otthya doesn't think to give up to Pimdora's pressure.
This is Xoenix tribe shaman Memanara.

Otthya, Xenoe tribe creator.

Xoenix tribal village.

Zibu tribe (Southern lands)

Zibu tribe is one of those tribes, what are called desert people. Like amazons they are very friendly tribe, but you shouldn't think that Zibu amazons greet everyone with stretched out arms. Since immemorial times Zibu tribe is famous for its art of the war and magic. Zibu amazons is very brave and strong, tha'ts why even insolent desert robbers avoid them. Zibu tribal shamans hit many enemies with their Voodoo Magic, so it's better to have those amazons as your friends than your enemies.
Climate in Southern lands is very hot, the rain is rare guest here, but if it starts raining here, rain showers last around three mounths here. 
This is Zibu tribe creator Vumela.

Amazons Simangele and Nomagugu prepare dinner together.

His name is Litha. He is breeding slave and he is very valuable slave for his pale skin and blue eyes.

Zibu amazons treat good their slaves, but they also sacrifice them to the moon goddess Naning (Nanina).

Zibu tribal village.

2015 m. rugpjūčio 28 d., penktadienis

Blessing Moon tribe 1st generation characters

Amadahy Blessing Moon

Name meaning: forest water
Traits: romantic, active, genius

First Creator of the Blessing Moon tribe.  Selfish, cruel, mood person. Such Amadahy was when she took over the throne. However, the death of loved one changed her. Bold and confident, very romantic and flirty, but after death of Lusio Amadahy decided to stay alone to the rest of her life. Loves children. She gave special attention to her children throughout her life.
Amadahy lived quite closed life and never had many friends, but those with whom she made friends had her support and love for the life.
As creator Amadahy was honest and always followed her word. She strictly followed the amazons laws. After the death of beloved Lusio Amadahy refused to deal with the fate of the slaves giving this right to shaman and  her spirits. It was a very important decision in the history of the tribe, what slightly prolonged the lives of tribal sons and breeding slaves.

Lallo Slave

Name meaning: little boy
Traits: romantic, good, art lover

Amadahy's breeding slave, he and creator Amadahy had daughter
Pavati Blessing Moon. Very gentle, kind - hearted and romantic, was in love with Amadahy. Even after his death he wanted that Pavati would know about him, her father.
Lallo's previous life is unknown.
Was sacrificed to moon goddess Nanina.

Lusio Slave

Name meaning: light
Traits: noncommital, outgoing, hates children

First master slave in the Blessing Moon tribe history. Very mysterious, quiet, although he always was very friendly and nice with others. Honest and obedient slave, was very faithful and devoted to Amadahy. It was hard to communicate with the children for him, because Lusio didn't like them since that day he realized that almost all slaves are sacrificed to goddess Nanina for them. He was often used to say that he would be poor breeding slave. However, after the birth of Pavati he cared for her very much and fell in love with a girl when he just took her in his arms for the first time. Lusio's biggest dream in life was to spend his entire life near Amadahy and help to take care of her tribe, but things took a different turn when Amadahy conceived. By all amazons traditions Lusio was sacrificed to goddess Nanina.
Lusio was the last slave, sacrificed without the participation of shaman.
Amadahy and Lusio had triplets Lonan, Mato and Tansy.

Sikya Gatherer

Name meaning: small canyon
Traits: ambitious, loves the outdoors, insane

She was gatherer for a short time in Blessing Moon tribe. Although she was born in amazon tribe, Sikya never felt and acted like amazon. After surviving a horrible tragedy in the childhood she wanders around the world with her spirits what torture her feeding her energy and forcing Sikya to do horrible things. The most happiest moments in her life were only few - first, when she met slave Ogima and fell in love with him, second, when she had a daughter Tadewi and third when she met Yutu and Mukki, what gave her home and cared for her to the end of her life.
Sikya has never known herself, she rarely remembered her past. Her body and soul belonged to her spirits, that's why she couldn't get old naturally like other people.
Sikya's life ended in Granite Falls woods, when shaman Tiva liberated her from demon she was obssessed by. Before her death Sikya went mad.

Ogima Slave

Name meaning: chief
Traits: evil, romantic, perfectionist

Ogima was came from Northlands. He was born free and wanted to be warrior and fisher like his father was. When amazons attacked his native village and killed his family, little Ogima was taken by amazon warriors. Although they raised him as slave, Ogima never felt like slave. He always was very rebellious and free in his soul and dreamed about that day when he'll be back home. Being a kid he saw a lot of violance and learnt to be evil as it was the only way to defend yourself and stay alive. When Amadahy bought him in the slave market, his life changed. Ogima and Amadahy became mortal enemies almost in the beginning, they never liked each other. But here, in The Blessing Moon tribe was something good, too - Ogima has met Sikya and fell in love with her, although Amadahy punished him making Ogima Sikya's breeding slave. Then he started plan not only how to kill Amadahy, but also how to come back home, to Northlands. Unfortunately, his plan failed and Ogima was sacrificed to goddess Nanina. Until his last breath Ogima didn't let to be broken by Amadahy. He died staying free spirit.
In honor of Ogima Sikya named their daughter Tadewi (wind).

Mukki Slave

Name meaning: child
Traits: bookwarm, foodie, cheerful

He had to be breeding slave, but it seems goddess Nanina had different plans for Mukki. Travelling artist Yutu changed his destiny saving his life. Mukki was first slave in the Blessing Moon tribe history, what was sold to another woman. Being very warm and cheerful person Mukki found not only love of his life Yutu, but also managed to score Amadahy's sympathy and friendship.
Mukki and Yutu had two sons Wattan and Akecheta, they still live together, still love each other and enjoy their togetherness.

Yutu Scholar
Name meaning: coyote out hunting
Traits: goofball, clumsy, music lover

Yutu came from Eastern lands, where people live different than amazons. Yutu have never been amazon, but she lived in many their tribes traveling around the world as artist. She teached amazons children to play and paint, painted many portraits of amazon tribes creators (one of them was creator  Amadahy Blessing Moon's portrait). Perhaps she'd spend the rest of her life traveling, if she hadn't met Mukki. Mukki changed her life as she has changed his.After buying Mukki she not only had children with him, bought the house and began to sedentary life, but she also undertook to take care of Sikya and her daughter Tadewi.
Being very inteligent and diplomatic Yutu won Amadahy's trust and friendship. They are still the best friends in the world and I hope they'll never break their friendship until death them apart.

Tiva Shaman

Name meaning: dance
Traits: loner, loves the outdoors, childish

Tiva is true child in her heart, she knows how to enjoy every flower and tree, to talk to child and pet, every day is still full of discoveries for her like she still would be a little girl. Tiva became orphan being teen girl. She's used to be alone and she loves solitude, but love broke even Tiva's heart, when she has met slave Niyol. Luckily Tiva was strong enough to stand against her passion and lust, otherwise she would lose her shaman's power. Tiva was second important amazon after creator Amadahy and she's worth Amadahy's trust. Tiva brought many changes in the Blessing Moon tribe's life. She thaught Amadahy, her children and slaves about moon goddess Nanina and love, was Amadahy's advisor when tribe had hard times. Tiva was born to be shaman. This brave and beautiful woman has a great knowledge  and wisdom. Now she serves Amadahy's daughter Pavati and plays with her children.

Niyol Slave

Name meaning: wind
Traits: active, self assured, romantic

He was breeding slave in the Blessing Moon tribe. Niyol came from Western lands, he was born in one of small tribes what lived near Black Mountains. His tribe also belonged to those tribes what live different than amazons. When he was very young Niyol got lost in forest and was kidnapped by amazons.
Niyol was heart breaker and he knew about it. In fact he was good man and had many good traits, but he was too passionate and always wanted to have too much.
He won Amadahy's trust and Pavati's love, but it wasn't enough for him... He seduced master slave Hassun and even tried to hit on Pavati's brother Lonan betraying all what trusted him. Niyol ended his life dying in the jail.

Hassun Slave

Name meaning: stone
Traits: neat, outgoing, creative

Second master slave in the Blessing Moon tribe history. Very hard working, neat and creative slave, good person, but he never was strong as personality, so it's why he was seduced so easy by Niyol and became his secret lover. Amadahy and Pavati forgave him, so he is still alive and serves Pavati and Blessing Moon tribe till Lonan will become young adult and will be able to change him as master slave.
Hassun's passion is kitchen and the painting.

More will come soon. You'll find my promised short description about other tribes. I'm still working on it, I'm also playing slowly and trying to get more material for the writing of this story, so I'm slow a bit nowadays. But I think I should post new chapters next week.
Thanks for the reading my story :)


2015 m. rugpjūčio 18 d., antradienis

Welcome to 2nd Blessing Moon tribe generation: long live Creator Pavati Blessing Moon!

So yesterday I finished to write about Amadahy's cadency. Now I'll start to write about her daughter Pavati as Blessing Moon tribe creator. I already have some material for the first chapters. Firstly I'd like to apologize all my readers for the mistakes you can find reading the text. As you know English isn't my native language although I try to do the best. I always check and edit text many times, but I know that there is something I can skip and not pay my attention.
As I'll start to write about 2nd generation I'll also realize my some ideas for this story.
Firstly you'll meet new tribes. You'll find the short descriptions about every tribe in this Blog.
Second, I have an idea to write bios of all characters what were more or less related to Amadahy and Blessing Moon tribe. You'll find all these bios in my Blog too.
Here will be a lot of work, so sometimes I can be very slow writing new chapters, but I hope you'll be patient and will check my Blog.
Thank you all for your support and reading my story!


2015 m. liepos 30 d., ketvirtadienis

Blessing Moon tribe amazons were back

So I'm already at home and working on my amazons story again. So many things have happened there,  I won't and can't miss anything.
As usually I'll try to write every day when I'll have a time for that. I have many ideas for my story, but I'll share them with you later.
Thanks for the reading! :)


2015 m. liepos 22 d., trečiadienis

Short break

So today I'm leaving home for few days - after few hours I'll start my trip to Ogima's North land - Norway :)
Today I wrote 2 new chapters about Blessing Moon tribe and I'll continue work on my story after 28th July.
Take care all and see you at 28th July!


2015 m. birželio 23 d., antradienis

About Amazon challenge and Blessing Moon tribe

I was so impressed with this story what I'm still reading...


And it's a first time when I decided to start very first challenge to me and start a story about Blessing Moon tribe.
I was always interesting in American Natives and their culture, history, phylosophy, so it's why my characters have authentic Red Indian names.
It's not easy to find something "tribal", 'cause mostly all custom content for the sims are modern. I really tried to do the best. The hardest part was to "dress" slaves... As you know slaves doesn't wear clothes, they are always almost naked. So if you'll think that I copied something, don't blame on me too much as I didn't have what to choose too much.
Firstly I had an idea to start a story about alien tribe, but then I thought I'll stay this idea for the future. Shamans, nature, amazon women are very close to my soul, so I am happy with my Blessing Moon tribe.
Why Blessing Moon tribe and night goddess Nanina?
I am in love with the night and its darkness since my young days. I find that night is very mysterious and magic and Nanina's cult should fit The Blessing Moon tribe as well. I also had an idea about Lilith, but because I already talked about Lilith in my book about children of the night, I thought it wouldn't be good repeat yourself.
Night goddess Nanina and Blessing Moon tribe are made up by me. But I am almost sure that some indian tribes had something similar to Nanina.
Thanks for reading my stories and this Blog.

2015 m. birželio 7 d., sekmadienis


Main characters and other sims in the sims 3 story are created by Kijiko and other talented simmers, so I don't own any of them. I also use custom worlds created by other simmers, the game mods for more interesting sims life and story progression. Everything what belongs to me - it's this Blog and my own stories.
All characters in the sims 4 story are created by me.