The end

- Have you heard, my queen, that most of your slaves began to rebel against the Amazons? My Vikings had just brought me the news that many of them fled, - Half said the queen Olinia, what he found sitting in a tent by the fire.
- I heard, - she looked at the Viking chief with anxious tired glance.
- It was easy to see, - Half sat down on the fur next to the queen.
- Oh, my brother... - Olinia sighed. - If some Amazons' tribes behave as much as humanly with their slaves, at least, they would continue to live in their villages.
- So the Amazon world is imperfect... - Half cautiously said throwing a brief glance at the queen.
- And who is perfect in this world, Half? - Olinia looked directly into the bright blue Viking's eyes. - Would we go tomorrow to the battle field if this world would be perfect?
- No, my sister... But I am afraid that the world will never be perfect.
- Yes, if we do not change ourselves, - queen nodded.
- You're a brave woman, my queen, and I respectfully bow my head before your generosity and determination to fight for truth and justice, - Half put a hand to the heart and bowed his head to Amazon queen. - But not everyone wants to change, after all, much more comfortable to live in your favor oppressing others...
- I know, my brother Half, - Olinia smiled. - Therefore, tomorrow we're going to battle. If goodwill can't make the man to change, then a firm hand and a sword makes it.
- I can not disagree with that, my queen... - said a Viking chief.
Olinia didn't answer. She looked at the parchment lying next to her where with the blood was written Pimdora's letter.
Letter didn't scare the queen. She didn't scare and that tomorrow she will look into the eyes of death again leading hundreds of armed Amazons warriors and allies to the battle. She feared only one - that she'll never see her two daughters again. Something as if the pliers pinched queen's heart and her usually quiet and smiling eyes flooded with tears. Olinia fueled a fire and rose to her feet.
- I'll go see how smiths are doing... - she said Viking chief.
Half nodded to the queen, and when she came out, he stretched out by the fire. Recently Half almost didn't sleep. He plagued by nightmares, in what he still saw his brother and father beheaded... They spoke to him that they will come to take him, because he will die together with this world.

Until recently the cold and chill wind froze in the Northern lands, now it was almost impossible to withstand the unbearable heat.
- I don't remember when it would have been so hot in our lands... - said one elder, swipe from sweaty forehead white as snow, hair. - Bad signs, bad signs around everywhere... - he murmured turning to a nearby standing chief and his wife. - Did you pray to Odin, my son?
- Be calm for me, father Olaf... - Half smiling at old man and put his hands on Olaf's shoulders. - I and my warriors prayed to Odin and I am sure that he'll protect us and help us win the battle.
- Half... I knew your parents, knew your parents' parents, and so far as I remember those devil women killed your father and brother... You didn't have to start with the Amazon queen, son, - the old man said looking at the Half's eyes.
- Olinia is the fairest Amazon I only ever had to meet, father Olaf. She is a noble queen and a strong ally, it makes no sense not to trust her, - answered Half. - Trust us, father Olaf, we will bring a victory to you.
Olaf gave a deep sigh and smiled.
- You are very young, Half... Very young... - he patted chief's shoulder. - May Odin bless you and your warriors, my son, - the elder bowed to Half.
Half bowed to old man back and went to the smithy to take freshly minted armor. It's a time to go to the battle.
- War song! - Half commanded his warriors.
Soon Vikings war song rippled through the army. Both men and women were singing together. Amazons didn't understand their words, but they still sang with Vikings together. It was easier to stand the heat and thirsty when it seemed that armor has become a hundred times heavier of the burning sun.
Queen looked at the sky. It was calm and blue, no one cloud there. 
- Here... - she said Viking chief.
- Yes, my queen. Finally we came. Tell everybody to stop, - Half ordered Sigur. - We arrived at battle field.
Soon a huge Amazons queen, Vikings, and their allies army stopped in the dotted with stones field. Here almost didn't grow a grass, in some places the ground was mixed with sand, what was probably brought by the wind from Great Waters. Warriors stood and waited. Each of them thought about different and similar things at the same time. Someone from them will celebrate the life, someone will stay to lie in this field, but the death was nothing comparing with what would be if they will lose this battle. They had to win. Some of them prayed in their mind to their own gods asking to give them the courage and strength to withstand this battle, someone quietly sang, and the time was melting and it was getting less and less, while here it will be heard a clang of weapons, moaning and screaming.
Soon were heard the steps in the distance.

- Pimdora and her army are already here... - said the Queen.
- Yes, I hear them, my queen. Get ready, - Half ordered the soldiers, his hand firmly gripped the handle of the sword.
- You still have time to change your mind, Olinia, - Pimdora not hiding the mockery said the Amazon queen.
- Why should I change my mind, Pimdora? - Olinia was calm and firm as ever.
- Because, no matter how you would disagree, your domination came to an end, the queen! - Pimdora laughed. - Time to change for the world and to meet the new queen - me!
The Vikings and other allies of Olinia burst into laughter.
- Silence! - insistently cried the Queen. - In order to become queen you have to prove that you are really worth it, Pimdora, - she said with the dignity Pimdora. - Are you ready for that?
- Who do you think I am? - Pimdora offended. - I'm really sorry that you and your minions didn't change your mind because today you all will die.
- Yes, probably most of us will die today, but don't you think it's too early yet to celebrate a victory? - Olinia smiled.
- We'll see yet, Olinia! - Pimdora's eyes flashed when she pulled out her sword. - Death to queen Olinia and her minions!
- Weapons! - Queen lifted her hand and instantly rippled the sea of fighting axes and swords in the hands through the entire army.

Fighting was fierce, what has not been seen for a long time by the old Nordic land. The enemies heads flew to sideways, a cold weary grass was drowned with overflowing blood, clanked the weapons, dying called out to their gods, others shouted in pain sending damnation... Asdis could not occur a better chance than now. She suffered for the Queen of Amazons and that pup Esthya too long and had to put up with Half's will, but she will not be longer obedient, especially on the battle field. Her eyes began to run quickly in search of the queen. And here she is. From Olinia's thigh oozed blood, but the queen fought with a sword in the hands almost not taking breath. "Now or never... I'll avenge for your death, Oskurd", - Asdis thought raising her sword and moving slowly torwards Olinia.
- No! - was heard Estrya's cry. Amazon like a panther jumped onto Asdis and threw her on the ground knocking out from her hands a sword.
- How do you dare to encroach upon the queen, bitch ?! - Esthya grabbed Asdis by the throat and shook her up.
- If not you, damned Amazons, Oskurd would be alive today!
- The Queen didn't kill your Oskurd, fool! - Esthya even stronger pressed Asdis to the ground.
- Let go of me, cursed Amazone!
- No! - laughed Esthya. - You wanted to kill my queen and you'll die for it!
- No, it's you who will die! - Asdis pushed away from herself Esthya and both women swept through the grass.
While Asdis and Esthia have wrestled with each other, and the blood continued flowing in battle, the sky began to grow dark... It was getting dark so quickly that not having time to wink the full night stood.
- Oh, gods... - someone whispered.
Around it became so dark that even you could stick your finger into the eye. Began to lighten and thunder roared, the wind howled angrily raising the flush with the tops of mountains waves and the earth trembled shaking her wrangling children. Were heard the screams, someone has tried to flee somewhere, but it was too late. There were no winners and losers. A huge wave flooded the world. And then the silence stood.

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